Bike Image_ 6917044304_2a779e59dc_by LitRato_Photography on FlickrAccording to, Salt Lake City has implemented a new bicycle and pedestrian master plan guide for the utilization of engineers and city planners when proposing new and safe transportation choices for the community. These new updates are designed mainly to prevent bicycle accidents and pedestrian injuries. As fuel prices soar and many seek varied ways to stay fit, more and more citizens are choosing to park their vehicle and make use of their bicycles. As bicyclists and pedestrians increase, accidents usually become more prevalent as well; thus, a master plan guide becomes necessary.

Bicycle Accident Attorney Addresses the Benefits of Bicycling to Work and School

Across America it is apparent that more and more people are using their bicycle as a main means of transportation.  Choosing to ride your bicycle to work or school can have great short and long-term benefits.  By so doing, you lessen your impact on the environment, save more cash, and improve your health. As an example, the city of Sacramento, CA, was considered to have the fourth largest population of bicyclist commuters in the United States in 2008.  Sacramento has gone as far as adding bicycle racks to their transit light rail trains to promote the use of bicycles, as opposed to driving your own vehicle.  The Sacramento Transportation Management Association includes a list of benefits of becoming a regular bicyclist commuter opposed to driving a vehicle to work or school:

  • Research shows that regular cycling can cut the chances of heart disease in half.
  • It is often faster to bicycle to work than to drive if your commute is through streets clogged with traffic congestion.
  • It is usually easier to park a bike than it is a car, and it is certainly less expensive.
  • Cycling may save money by reducing the wear on your automobile.

It is evident that there are many pros when choosing to become a regular bicyclist. For those who do, it is important to understand the purpose of an accident attorney bicycle and how he/she can help you following a bicycle accident.  All their efforts go into protecting your rights as a bicyclist if you ever become injured in an accident.  As attorneys who specialize in bicycle accidents, The Christensen Law Firm is dedicated to ensuring you are represented as deserved.  With compassion, we are devoted to your rehabilitation.  For a free consultation, call 801-506-0800.

Image Courtesy of LitRato_Photography on Flickr