As amusing as this video is, bicycle accidents often come with serious injury. This is why it is extremely important to make sure you find the proper bicycle accident compensation when someone else is at fault.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention holds that each year, approximately 700 people die in bicycle-related accidents.  In addition, emergency medical treatment is administered to more than 500,000 bicyclists annually.  Most often, these accidents imply a motor-vehicle-causing injury to the bicyclist.  While many such accidents result from the bicyclist’s ignorance of or failure to follow proper safety guidelines or the fact that bicyclists are not as easy to detect, they are entitled to the same courtesy on the road as the driver of an automobile.

When automobile drivers neglect to practice vigilance to the rights of bicyclists, and a bicyclist incurs harm in consequence, a bicycle accident lawyer in Utah or any state with a pedaling population may step in to go to bat against insurance companies that are reticent to shoulder their client’s burden.  With Christensen Personal Injury, you get a free consultation, a no fee guarantee (the promise that you will not be charged attorney fees unless you win your suit), and the reassurance that your case will only be taken if the amount you stand to win is higher than the cost of hiring a lawyer.

Just because the four wheels of a motor vehicle outnumber your two does not mean that you are doomed to expense added to injury.  If you have been injured in a bicycle accident in spite of due precautions and feel that insurance companies have not treated you fairly, call 1-801-506-0800 to explore your options.

Video Courtesy of Moha Talib