Although it’s cold and there’s still snow and ice on the ground, cyclists can take heart from the fact that the winter solstice has passed and the northern hemisphere is on its way to beautiful spring weather. And, of course, the arrival of spring beckons a slew of marathons and tours. Here are a few upcoming events worth marking on the calendar.

Moab Skinny Tire Festival

If scenery is your priority, then you might head down to the Moab Skinny Tire Festival on March 8-11. This paved ride will pass through Arches National Park and Dead Horse Point State Park with a portion of the trail following the Colorado river. This event is being held early in the season to avoid the tourist rush, and allows cyclists to enjoy the dazzling red rock in peace. Registration costs from $80 to $170, which includes entry into a raffle for a $4500 road bike. For more in formation on this event, visit

Spring Tour de St. George

On April 12 cyclists will flood the Tour de St. George trail, surrounded by the bright sunshine, clean air, and desert scenery of Sand Hollow State Park, Snow Canyon, and the Gunlock Valley. Rest stops will be fully stocked along the way, and registered cyclists will be provided lunch and a participant shirt. Participants can choose from 30, 80, and 100 mile ride options. Registration will be capped at 1500 cyclists, so if you are interested, consider registering sooner rather than later. Registration is $5 before April 12 and $10 on the day of the event. For more details, see

Willard Bay & Beyond Brevet

If you are looking for an opportunity to test your endurance, Willard Bay & Beyond might be the ride for you. This brevet will take cyclists from Centerville, Utah to Willard Bay through both rural and city environments. As a brevet, the ride will be a timed distance run with the cyclist’s choice of either a 62 or 125 mile route. Also, the event is self-supported, so plan accordingly. For more information on this event, visit

Salt Lake City Bike Marathon

Whether you are an experienced cyclist or just starting out, Salt Lake City Marathon invites anyone who has a bike and can maintain 15 mph to participate in the bike tour on April 19. The tour passes through 25 miles of scenic Salt Lake Valley and is a non-competitive event. Overall, the event aims to provide a safe and unique opportunity for cyclists. Participants will receive a shirt, a goody bag, and food provided at the finish line. For more information, see

Spring is on its way with many exciting events! When entering an event, please be cautious to avoid the over-exertion that can lead to injury. Christensen & Hymas encourages cyclists to exercise the caution and awareness necessary to avoid those accidents caused by negligence or distraction. If you know someone who has been injured by another’s negligence and is struggling to afford medical bills or time off of work, we recommend that you schedule a free consultation to be informed of the options available to you.