Halloween is descending on the Salt Lake City area, and with it the promise of Dum Dums, G movies, and random acts of mischief. While most of the dangers we face at this time of the year have to do with Saltwater Taffies, rather than threats from the monsters featured in said G movies, Halloween does come with some significant risks: Contraptions in a haunted house or corn maze could misfire, trick-or-treating pedestrians in black clothing could be missed by the driver of a motor vehicle, and pranks left for visitors could leave the owner of the property liable if something goes wrong.

Even good, clean fun has a limit that should not be crossed, particularly on dark nights fraught with roaming children. If the miscarriage of some form of holiday of observance should leave you injured, a Utah personal injury attorney at Christensen & Hymas can help ensure that the consequences of the accident do not haunt you indefinitely. For a free consultation, call 801-506-0800.