It has been said (amid chuckles) that the hardest part of learning to ride a bicycle is the pavement. Without escalating into the realm of the improbably cataclysmic, there is no reason to debate this fact. However, if anything can make riding a bicycle more difficult, that thing is an injury—and injury, itself can be further complicated when you have trouble meeting your financial obligations to your broken arm, fractured tibia, or whatever harm you sustained in a bicycle accident because a car turned in front of you, a mattress flying out of a truck bed hit you head-on, or your transport ran amok. The people responsible for accidents cannot always be trusted to make reparations; and your insurance provider might be reluctant to pick up slack.

Luckily, you can untie this Gordian knot with the help of the best bicycle accident lawyers in Utah. Recognized nationally for their service locally, Christensen & Hymas renders attorney service for a reasonable contingency and offers free consultations at 801-506-0800. Don’t hit the pavement a second time—let Christensen & Hymas soften the blow.