lose weight cycling

Losing weight is a goal many of us have. However, it often seems too difficult. Cutting calories, weighing, measuring, exercising, and all of its other requirements stack up quickly. Finding a form of exercise you truly enjoy can make a huge difference. We are avid cyclists, and were able to lose weight cycling. We encourage you to explore this possibility!

How to Lose Weight Cycling

Set Goals

  • Set weight goals, time and distance goals on rides, nutrition and diet goals, or any goals you think would help you be successful.
  • Be realistic. Don’t set impossible goals. Remember, you can only improve once you start.
  • Write your goals down. Doing this allows you to track your progress and stay motivated.


  • You need to burn more calories than you eat. The Centers for Disease Control say that to lose 1-2 pounds per week, you should cut about 500 calories from your daily diet.
  • Eat a lot of veggies, fruit, whole grains, and proteins.
  • Drink water! It helps your digestion and aids in weight loss.

Ride Hard

  • Do workouts like interval training, sprints, and hills, and switch them up every day. Your body needs new workouts and new challenges in order to consistently burn fat and calories.
  • Search for ideas and training programs online.

Stretch and Exercise Your Core

  • Cycling clearly focuses on your leg muscles, so crunches and arm workouts can supplement your regimen. Stretch after rides, and before bed.
  • The more muscle you build, the more fat you can burn.

Be Consistent

  • The greatest enemy to weight loss is a lack of consistency. No matter what kind of obstacles come up, keep cycling and keep trying to lose weight!
  • Eventually, you will feel the need to go cycling. Exercise and healthy living will become habits.
  • Don’t give up!

If you make a commitment to lose weight cycling, your whole life will be positively affected. Your energy levels will increase, and your physical and mental health will improve. So join us on the road!

If you are injured in a bike accident or have questions about bicycle law,  contact us today for a free consultation. We would love to meet you and help you figure out what to do next in your accident case.

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