865 South Main Street
Logan, UT 84321
We are offering three brevets on the same weekend (all starting on Friday — the 400 km and 600 km brevets overlap into Saturday). All three routes start in Logan in northern Utah and start out following the popular LoToJa race route (LoToJa is the longest sanctioned race in the U.S.). All three routes stick together for the first 72 miles and then the 300K rides split from the rest. The two longer routes then make a loop around scenic Bear Lake and head north to rural Soda Springs Idaho before returning to Logan. The 400K and 600K brevets are identical for the first 400 km at which point the 600k rides get an (optional) sleep break before making the final 200 km loop out to Golden Spike National Historic site, west of Brigham City.
The Bear Lake area is noted for it’s near-ideal raspberry climate and “world famous raspberry shakes,” hence the name “Raspberry Ramble.”