If you’ve been cycling for any length of time, you’ve probably had a dog at your heels a time or two. We’ve gathered quite a few suggestions from veteran cyclists and how to handle this problem, PETA friendly.

1. Water

The simplest and easiest solution is to spray the dog in the face with a blast from your water bottle. This serves the dual purpose of disorienting him at the time and possible dissuading him from chasing you in the future. They use water as a training technique, and so can you. The downside is its kind of inaccurate at anything but very close range, so the dog might already be too close for comfort.

2. Rocks or sticks

Animal lovers, don’t worry, like I said earlier we don’t want to hurt the dog. These merely serve as a distraction. Most dogs are just succumbing to instinct and chasing something for the sake of chasing it. Throwing an object off to your side, or dropping it in the path of the dog may make him chase it, or stop to smell it. Either way, it should give you the time to pedal out of there.

3.Bring backup

If you have your own dog, it’s a great idea to bring him along for the ride. Your dog will get some exercise, and will probably deter other dogs from chasing you.

4. Show them who is boss

We recommend this with a caveat. Many riders suggest riding straight at the dog while loudly yelling or barking. Most dogs will back down from a 200 lb threat traveling at 20+ mph. However, there are select dogs that will respond to your aggression in kind. So use this solution tactfully.

5. Feed the beast

Dropping a small dog treat is a near fool proof way to distract a dog. One thing to keep in mind is that dogs may grow accustomed to the practice and expect it from you. Not to mention your bill in dog treats.

6. Embrace the Challenge!

Most dogs can run between 15 and 30 mph for a mile or so. Put on your game face and shift to your big chainring. You probably have a good race in front of you, unless it’s a greyhound. These can reach 45 mph in under 4 seconds. In addition to a great training regime, most dogs won’t chase you out of an area they are familiar with.


While most dogs mean no harm, if there is a dog that is vicious or aggressive it is your right to be safe. If a dog as tried to or successfully attacked you, report it! Dangerous dogs are required to be chained or locked up, and they could harm a child or pedestrian just as easily. These dogs need to be off the street. If you or someone you know has been bitten by a loose dog, please call us at 801-506-00800, or request a free book all about dog bites in Utah at 801-LAW-BOOKS.