An article recently published on reported that from the year 2000 to 2010, the number of bicycle commuters grew by 40%. Riding your bike to work can be a great way to stay in shape and save money but it also leaves you more vulnerable in the event of a traffic collision. While bicycle use is still recommended by the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration, they also seek to make the public aware of the dangers of riding a bike in dense traffic. The NHTSA has released the following, possibly shocking, statistics:

  1. An estimated 500,000 bicycle related injuries are treated annually in U.S. emergency rooms;
  2. Universal use of helmets would prevent around 45,000 head injuries and 55,000 scalp and facial injuries; and
  3. Despite the fact that nearly 70% of fatal bicycle accidents involve head injuries, only 20 to 25% of all bicyclists use helmets.

By using a helmet and being cautious while riding a bicycle, you can greatly reduce the risk of being involved in a fatal or serious traffic accident. Even after taking these precautions, there is still a chance that you may still wind up the victim of a serious accident. If this happens, seek immediate medical attention and the help of a Utah bicycle accident lawyer at Christensen & Hymas to ensure that the guilty party is held responsible.