police after a bike accident

You just crashed your bike, and you have a thousand things flying through your mind. One of the most common questions in the aftermath of an accident is, “do I need to call the police?”

The answer to this question depends on your situation, but calling the police after a bike accident is almost always a good idea. Unless the accident was unquestionably harmless, you should have the police file a report. Here are a few tips and guidelines to help you decide whether you should contact the police after a bike accident.

Basic Things to Do After a Crash

Aside from involving the police, there are several things you should do every time after a bike accident.

  • Get out of harm’s way
    • Don’t make the situation worse by leaving yourself vulnerable to additional injury. Move off of the road or into a more visible area.
  • Check carefully for injuries
    • This seems obvious, and you probably do it naturally already. But the word carefully is very important. Serious injuries are not always immediately recognizable, so check for anything unusual. If something doesn’t seem right, call an ambulance or call someone to take you to the hospital.
  • Identify other parties involved and find witnesses
    • Getting the story straight immediately will greatly benefit a future accident case.

When Do I Need to Call the Police After a Bike Accident?

  • If another person is involved in the accident — whether it’s a driver, another cyclist, or a pedestrian — call the police. Regardless of whether you are injured or not.
    • This will be very important later when determining fault and dealing with insurance companies.
  • Always call the police after a bike accident in which another person caused you to become injured.
    • This especially goes for hit-and-run accidents.

Help the Police Help You

  • Be accurate and honest when speaking with them.
  • The police report can be the difference maker in your bike accident case.
    • They are trained to study accident scenes and help determine fault and liability, so let them do their job.
  • A driver may admit fault at the scene of the accident, but unless the statement is recorded by police, they are free to change their mind once they speak to their insurance company.
  • Record everything you can, to supplement what the police record.

Making the right decisions after a bike accident is very important. The phrase “better safe than sorry” is applicable to any accident situation. If you think you have any reason to call the police after a bike accident, just do it. If you have any more questions about moving forward with an injury claim, sit down with us for free and discuss your options.

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