Enter to Win a Free HD Camera Rear Light
Utah Bicycle Lawyers will be giving away 1 rear light HD camera. The Cycliq Fly6 (value $169) is an HD Camera and Rear Bike Light that “captures all the action behind you while alerting drivers of your presence.” As bicycle accident attorneys, we have seen many accidents that could have been avoided by proper bike lights, and many cases that needed more evidence, such as a camera recording. This is an incredible tool to have.
To enter, simply follow the two step instructions below to 1 – Like Utah Bicycle Lawyers on Facebook and 2 – Enter your contact info!
Image Courtesy of Christensen & Hymas
Utah Bicycle Accident Handbook
If you are serious about cycling, request a free copy of our Bicycle Accident Handbook to get familiar with your rights and responsibilities as a cyclist in Utah.
Utah Bicycle Laws Quiz
Do you know Utah’s cycling laws? Test your knowledge in our Utah Cycling Laws Quiz and find our how much you know.
1. Like us on Facebook
2. Enter the Contest
Additional Free resources for Cyclists
Utah Bicycle Accident Handbook
If you are serious about cycling, request a free copy of our Bicycle Accident Handbook to get familiar with your rights and responsibilities as a cyclist in Utah.
Utah Bicycle Laws Quiz
Do you know Utah’s cycling laws? Test your knowledge in our Utah Cycling Laws Quiz and find our how much you know.
Injured in a Bike Accident?
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