You’re late. You are driving around the street looking for a place to park, but there is nothing. Nothing. Forced to roam the streets stuck in your car, freedom has been stripped from you and the only thing that can restore it is that open spot. We have all been here before; no one likes not having a place to park. Luckily, you rarely have to worry about bike parking. But even though you don’t have to worry too much about where to park your bike, it is important to know the laws that surround it.
Where Can I Park My Bike?
The Sidewalk
In Utah, you are legally allowed to park your bike on the sidewalk if:
- it is not prohibited or restricted by a traffic-control device. (ie. “No Bike Parking” signs)
- it does not obstruct the normal movement of pedestrians or other traffic.
Many places offer specific bike racks that are away from the regular flow of traffic, but in some cases, you may have to park your bike right on the side walk. In these circumstances, a good rule of thumb is to make sure that your bike is never in the way.
The Road
Bike parking is allowed anywhere where roadway parking is available. A Utah law explains that you can park:
- at any angle to the curb or edge of the roadway; and
- abreast of another bicycle near the side of the roadway.
Keep in mind that it is illegal to block or obstruct the movement another parked vehicle. Keep out of cars’ way. Whenever you park your bike, make sure that you lock it up properly. Don’t ever assume that you are in a safe neighborhood, or that no one would ever steal your bike. Better to be safe than sorry! See you on the road.